How to Register
Registering for camp at Camp Summit is easy with our online registration. Information is saved for easier return registrations, saving time for both you and the Camp Summit staff.
Registration for all sessions opens mid-January, every year.
To ensure you secure a spot for your camper, we recommend registering for every session you wish to attend as soon as the application goes live. Don't worry, there's no fee to register and final payment is not due until four weeks prior to your session.
To be notified as soon as registration opens, subscribe to our emails!
Concerned about the cost? We never turn away a camper due to an inability to pay. Learn more.
Online Registration
Through our online registration portal, you can:
Return to view and print your submitted applications and forms
Return to fill out additional forms
Continue a partially completed form or registration
Register another camper in the same family
Make payments with a credit card
Save time when you register next season. Just update the saved information
Tips for online registration
Please make sure to review all information that has been completed previously for accuracy. Update and change information as needed.
You may register for one weeklong session per season (summer and fall) for 2024.
The system will not let you proceed to checkout until ALL missing mandatory fields (shown in red) have been filled in.
To complete your registration, you must click the "Submit Application" button.
You will receive a Submission Completed email once you have completed the registration. If you DO NOT receive this email, please sign back in to make sure you have completed your registration.
FAQs for Online Registration
Following the first visit, future camp registrations will be streamlined for your convenience. Please be sure to save your profile information (e-mail address used and password).
It’s very important, for the safety of your camper, to read and follow ALL directions on each page of the registration process.
Yes! There will be an option to submit a campership application with your online application.
Yes, there is an option to enter the agency information for us to bill for your camper.
Yes. The payment section of the registration is handled through a third party vendor that specializes in secure transactions, and camper registration information is maintained in a secure hosting facility.
No payment is due at the time of registration. Final payment is due 3 weeks prior to attending camp.
Yes, a medical authorization form MUST be signed by a doctor and uploaded to your registration (or returned to our office) at least 21 days prior to attending camp. This is to be completed each year before attending camp. You may download a medical authorization form here.
For more information, or for help with registration, contact us at or 972-484-8900.